
Free Virtual Thumb Drive

No more losing your thumb drive, visit DropBox.

Here is a great site if you don't want to carry a thumb drive between your home and school computer (and mobile devices) AND have your files automatically sync. Get up to 3 gigs free, sync PCs, Macs, & Lynix computers, takes any file type. You can share files and it has an online backup.
Think of it as a virtual thumb drive, the free space is limited, but so isn't a thumb drive. You can even work offline and your changes sync once you back on the internet. Watch the quick video to get a better understanding. It's been great not having to use a thumb drive between my computers.


Bloom's Taxonomy Revised

Old Way-------------------------- New Way



Wordle: My Speech Below

The Transfomation of the Classroom: The Future is Now

The availability of information now accessible on the internet is changing the dynamics of our classrooms and transforming the way we teach and learn. In order for this to happen there must be a solid pedagogy in place, access, professional development, and leadership. To become 21st Century classrooms, we need to connect the school to the community, and to the world. Our challenge is to move everyone forward, while focusing on learning.

We need to provide a student-centered environment, which allows students to create new information and ideas, communicate globally, collaborate, problem-solve real world situations, and to think critically. Our students need to learn how to become digital citizens, become efficient navigators in digital space, and use the technology as a knowledge agent. By reshaping the way we teach, we can create an anytime-anywhere learning environment.
School is no longer confined to the 8 hour day. School is now open 24/7, which means our students are online working at all hours of the day. As teachers we need to provide the learning environment necessary to keep up. A great advantage of the web is the availability of free software. We are no longer confined to purchasing expensive programs, equalizing the technology for everyone. The first section of web 2.0 sites for teachers, are free programs.

We should not use technology to do same old thing, but to use the technology to teach differently. Whether it is accessing homework online, blogging, communicating with experts in the field, or having a conversation in Chinese in a virtual world, the wall of our classrooms are coming down. We are moving from linear data such as textbooks and worksheet to visual data such as graphics, music, and sound. Another great opportunity the web can give us, are resources.

Yet without professional development none of these things will occur in our classrooms. We cannot simply ask our teachers to use the technology if we do not provide professional development.
We know we learn through exploration and communication, so I encourage you to attend educational technology workshops and conferences. It is important to see what other educators are doing in their classrooms and have the opportunity to have conversations about best practices. Just as we want our children to become active participants in their learning process, you should as well.
Technology is transforming the way we teach and learn. Our children need to develop good strategies for learning, in order to become active contributors to our global society. In the end, it’s all about learning.


Vermont Fest 2009: Adventures in E-Learning

VT-Fest 09'
November 4th & 5th
Killington Grand
Killington, VT

I will be presenting: Enhanced Blogging: Adding Widget and Gadgets to Your Blog

Have you seen all the bells and whistles that can go into a blog? Learn how to embed widgets and gadgets in your blogs. Topics will include picture montages, online books, book cases, hit counters, word clouds, and digital stories. Learn how to add PowerPoints and documents, polls, voice recording, and even a world map to see where your visitors are located. Examples of curriculum connections for using widgets and gadgets will be presented.



FETC 2009: 1/21-1/24

Keynote & Featured Speakers

  • Philippe Cousteau: Chief Ocean Correspondent for Animal Planet
  • Hall Davidson: Director Discovery Educator
  • Chris Dede: Wirth Professor in Learning TechnologiesHarvard Graduate School of Education
  • Tammy Worcester: ESSDACK
  • John Kuglin: Chief Informaiton Officer Eagle County Schools

Links to Speaker Presentations:

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